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dc.contributor.authorJohn V. Foltzen_US
dc.contributor.authorCharles M. Blackmon
dc.identifier.citationProperties and Selection: Nonferrous Alloys and Special-Purpose Materials, Vol 2, ASM Handbook, ASM International, 1990, p 903-912en_US
dc.description.abstractMETAL-MATRIX COMPOSITES (MMCs) are a class of materials with potential for a wide variety of structural and thermal management applications. Metal-matrix composites are capable of providing higher-temperature operating limits than their base metal counterparts, and they can be tailored to give improved strength, stiffness, thermal conductivity, abrasion resistance, creep resistance, or dimensional stability. Unlike resin-matrix composites, they are nonflammable, do not outgas in a vacuum, and suffer minimal attack by organic fluids such as fuels and solvents. The principle of incorporating a high-performance second phase into a conventional engineering material to produce a combination with features not obtainable from the individual constituents is well known. In a MMC, the continuous, or matrix, phase is a monolithic alloy, and the reinforcement consists of high-performance carbon, metallic, or ceramic additions. Reinforced intermetallic compounds such as the aluminides of titanium, nickel, and iron are also discussed in this article. Section on Aluminum-Matrix composites includes 7 mentions of 6061.en_US
dc.titleMetal-Matrix Compositesen_US

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