Browsing Diffusion Data by Subject "Cr"
Now showing items 1-6 of 6
Cr Self-Diffusion Askill 1971
(2013-07-08)Self diffusion of Cr-51 in pure chromium, Cr +20 wt% Ni, Cr +44wt% Ni, and Cr +65%wt Ni has been measured over the temperature ranges of 1000 to 1900, 1000 to 1525, and 900 to 1350 degrees C, respectively. -
Cr Self-Diffusion Askill and Tomlin 1965
(2013-07-08)Self-diffusion measurements have been made in the temperature range 1000 degrees c to 1550 degrees c in order to resolve some uncertainties arising from previously published data from several separate investigations covering ... -
Cr Self-Diffusion Mundy 1976
(2013-07-03)The diffusion of "Cr in chromium has been measured between 1100 and 1820'C, and the data fit the Arrhenius relation D = 970exp(—104000/R T) cm'sec '. Isotope-effect measurements, using isotopes "Cr and "Cr, have been ... -
Cr Self-Diffusion Mundy 1981
(2013-07-03)Self-diffusion in chromium single crystals has been measured over the temperature range 1073 to 1446 K. These data, when combined with earlier measurements from this laboratory over the. range 1370—2090 K, yield a plot ... -
Cr Self-Diffusion Paxton Gondolf 1959
(2013-07-08)Measurement of the radioactivity of the surface reduced by partial diffusion of the radioactive chromium as well a measurement of the radioactivity after gradual working off of thin surface films, after coating radioactive ... -
Self-Diffusion in Solid Chromium