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dc.contributorDeparptment of Metallurgical Engineering Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgyen_US
dc.contributor.authorEppelsheimer, D.S.
dc.contributor.authorPenman, R. R.
dc.identifier.citationEppelsheimer DS, Penman, RR (1950) Thermal Dilation of Copper. Physica 16, 792–794
dc.description.abstractThe prediction that certain cubic metals may not be precisely cubic throughout a range of temperature below their melting points led to the present investigation. Pure copper was chosen as the cubic metal to examine for anisotropy in its thermal dilation, and the (024) and the (331) planes were chosen in the lattice. Temperatures for examination ranged between 18°–770°C, using a 19-cm high-temperature powder camera by Unicam of Cambridge, England. Plotting the lattice constant vs. temperature, the thermal dilation of pure copper was found to be isotropic throughout the temperature range investigated.en_US
dc.rightsCC0 1.0 Universal*
dc.titleThermal Dilation of Copperen_US

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