Browsing Experimental Data Repository by Author ""
Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Al Self-Diffusion Fradin, Rowland 1967
Rowland, T. J.; Fradin, F. Y. (2013-10-01)Using a radio‐frequency field pulse technique which enables measurement of slow atomic diffusion by means of nuclear magnetic resonance we have obtained, for nominally 6–9's pure Al, an activation energy for self‐diffusion ... -
Al-Co, Co-Fe Diffusion Mobilities, Ni/Rene88, IN718/Rene88
Campbell, Carelyn E.; Zhao, J-C.; Henry, M. F. (2013-05-05)A multicomponent diffusion mobility database for the Ni-rich fcc phase [2002Cam] is evaluated by comparing diffusion simulations to two experimental multicomponent Ni-base superalloy diffusion couples: Ni/Rene´-88 and ... -
Examination of Ni-base superalloy diffusion couples containing multiphase regions
Campbell, Carelyn; Zhao, J-C; Henry, M. F. (2014-04-02)Four Ni-base superalloy diffusion couples with multiphase regions were studied. The diffusion couples contained single-phase (gamma ), two phase( gamma +MC carbide) and three-phase ( gamma + gamma prime+MC carbide) ... -
Study of Si self-diffusion by nuclear techniques
Demond, F. J.; Kalbitzer, S.; Mannsperger, H.; Damjantschitsch, H. (2014-02-10)By using ion implantation for preparation and p, γ-reactions for analysis of 30Si profiles the Si self-diffusion has been studied in the temperature range of 830–1200°C. The results reveal unambiguously that the diffusion ...