Now showing items 1-11 of 11

    • Aluminum Mill and Engineered Wrought Products 

      J.W. Bray (2013-12-03)
      Aluminum mill products are products that have been subjected to plastic deformation by hot- and cold-working mill processes (such as rolling, extruding, and drawing, either singly or in combination), so as to transform ...
    • Mechanical Properties Data for Selected Aluminum Alloys, 

      Alan F. Liu (2013-12-03)
      Limited mechanical properties data for several selected aluminum alloys are compiled in this appendix. Relatively new aluminum alloys included are 7033, Al-Li 8090 and 2090, rapidly solidified power metallurgy (P/M) aluminum, ...
    • Properties of Wrought Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys 

      ASM International (2013-12-03)
      Properties of specific wrought alloy alloys are presented in a structured format. Includes specifications, composition, applications, physical and mechanical properties, and fabrication characteristics. 6061 in one section.
    • High-Strength Aluminum Powder Metallurgy Alloys 

      J.R. Pickens (2013-12-03)
      This article describes and reviews the latter of these two areas of aluminum P/M technology where high strength and improved combinations of properties are obtained by exploiting the inherent advantages of P/M for alloy ...
    • Wrought Alloys:6xxx Al-Mg-Si Alloys 

      J.G. Kaufman (2013-12-03)
      Brief introduction to 6xxx wrought aluminum alloys. Tabular data of yield strength, tensile strength, elongation, and modulus of elasticity, at elevated temperatures and at room temperature after heating. Creep, creep ...
    • Evaluation of mechanical properties of porous 6061 alloys fabricated by the powder compression and induction heating process 

      S.W. Youn and C.G. Kang (2013-12-03)
      The purpose of this study is to evaluate the mechanical properties of 6061 Al foam products, which were fabricated by the powder compression and multistep induction heating method, and to build the database necessary for ...
    • Heat Treating of Aluminum Alloys 

      Unknown author (2013-12-03)
      HEAT TREATING in its broadest sense, refers to any of the heating and cooling operations that are performed for the purpose of changing the mechanical properties, the metallurgical structure, or the residual stress state ...
    • Conventional Aluminum Powder Metallurgy Alloys 

      Unknown author (2013-12-03)
      P/M technology can be used to refine microstructures compared with those made by conventional ingot metallurgy (I/M), which often results in improved mechanical and corrosion properties. Microstructural refinement by P/M ...
    • Microstructural Development and Mechanical Properties of Interrupted Aged Al-Mg-Si-Cu Alloy 

      J. Buha; R.N. Lumley; A.G. Crosky (2013-12-03)
      The effects of a recently developed interrupted aging procedure on the microstructural development and mechanical properties of the commercial Al-Mg-Si-Cu alloy 6061 have been studied using transmission electron microscopy ...
    • Additional properties of Aluminum Alloy 6061 

      Gurke, Sasha; Kaufman, J. Gilbert (2014-04-03)
      Spreadsheet with typical and minimum properties of wrought Al alloy 6061. Included fatigue, fracture and creep properties.
    • Tensile and Microindentation Stress-Strain Curves of Al-6061 

      Weaver, Jordan S.; Khosravani, Ali; Castillo, Andrew; Kalidindi, Surya R.
      Recent spherical microindentation stress-strain protocols were developed and validated on Al-6061 (DOI: 10.1186/s40192-016-0054-3). The scaling factor between the uniaxial yield strength and the indentation yield strength ...