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dc.contributorInorganic Materials Research Division, Lawrence Radiation Labratoryen_US
dc.contributorDepartment of Mineral TEchnology, College of Engineering, University of California Berkleyen_US
dc.contributor.authorChang, Y.A.
dc.contributor.authorHimmel, L.
dc.identifier.citationChang YA, Himmel L. (1966) Temperature Dependence of the Elastic Constants of Cu, Ag, and Au above Room Temperature. J. Appl. Phys. 37: 3567
dc.description.abstractThe adiabatic elastic constants C44, 1/2(Cll-C12), and 1/2(cll+C12+2c44) have been measured for copper, silver, and gold over the temperature range from 300° to about BOO 0K using the conventional ultrasonic pulse-echo technique. The room-temperature values of the stiffness coefficients are shown to be in acceptable agreement with previously published data for the noble metals. Over the entire range from 300° to 800oK, it is found that, to a remarkably good approximation, the elastic constants for all three metals decrease linearly with temperature. Additional evidence is presented to show that the linear temperature dependence of the elastic constants for silver extends to at least 1000oK, i.e., to within 80% of the absolute melting temperature. The isothermal compressibilities calculated from the elastic constant data are used to evaluate the dilational term in the specific heat, Cdil=Cp-Cv, and it is established that the approximate Nernst-Lindemann relation for estimating Cdil is valid for Cu, Ag, and Au at least up to 800Ken_US
dc.description.sponsorshipU.S. Atomic Energy commisionen_US
dc.subjectComputational File Repository Categories::PROPERTY CLASSES::Elasticityen_US
dc.subjectComputational File Repository Categories::PROPERTY CLASSES::Mechanicalen_US
dc.subjectComputational File Repository Categories::ALL CHEMICAL SYSTEMS::AG (Silver)en_US
dc.subjectComputational File Repository Categories::ALL CHEMICAL SYSTEMS::Cu (Copper)en_US
dc.subjectAu (Gold)en_US
dc.subjectComputational File Repository Categories::EXPERIMENTAL TECHNIQUES::Diffraction::X-Ray Diffractionen_US
dc.titleTemperature Dependence of the Elastic constants of Cu, Ag, and Au above Room Temperatureen_US
dc.typeEvaluated Dataen_US

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